Saturday, April 6, 2013


Just few days before Christmas , my mom actually asked me to find for college as she don't want me to slack at home for few months. So then after all the research made , i decided to take Ausmat in Sunway College. 

Okay , Ausmat , it's actually Australian Matriculation , more or less the same with SAM , the difference is it's actually a Western Australia syllabus and it's 50% internal assessment and 50% external assessment. Chosen  this because i m somehow a super lazy fella which don't study until exam is at the corner , and as every assessment is counted , it will just FORCE me to study all the time. Since I know being lazy is my weakness, i guess this is somehow good.

College, to be honest, Sunway is not that "high class" like I expected, classroom were more or less like tuition center's classroom , cafeteria looks just like high schools canteen, and foyer , it's really hot sometimes. But , I have to say the library's environment is way better than high school's one, quiet , and cold enough, there is also places for student to rent a movie to watch there and of course , computers and discussion room, which was really nice. Oh , just before i forget , we Ausmat students actually have our classroom at the rooftop (which i think they expanded the rooftop to build more classroom) , and there is a garden there for you to rest ! It's really nice actually , here's a picture of it ! 

So called , Atrium Garden :)

People there. College mates all actually looks pretty rich , but the good thing is , they don't really show off their "rich-ness" in college, people there was friendly , helpful , smart and most of all , non of them actually make up to college and dress like a princess, simply , just casual wear :) Nice right ? At least i don't have to see people with thick make up everyday and don't have to be stressful with them. But because most of them came from subang, they used to rush home straight after class (to avoid the jam)  and therefore, life after classes is really BORING. So far my all my lecturers are really fun and nice except for my blur maths lecturer , she is just really blur and go through the syllabus real fast and i really don't quite like her. I m somehow that kind of people that thinks a lecturer could influence me a lot. I will only liked the subject if i like the lecturer or i understand the subjects, so basically , i don't quite like maths lecturer and hated maths. English was one of the funniest subject I got , which had never fail to make me laugh. Ms Diana is a really fun and open lecturer ( We even make her dance in the classs , wooooooo ~ ) , which allowed us to talk about anything in her class and of course , not forgetting my classmates that always came out with lame words that could make the class just started laughing like mad , somehow retarded but IT'S FUN ! I shall say , i have the best EALD class ever ! There is also theme day going on , head wear day , paint the town red and so on , quite fun anyway , course mates always came out with different idea that it's really attracting peoples attention. Some say they are weirdo , but i guess they enjoyed it a lot ! 

Paint the town red !
Awesome mate met in EALD class 
Head-wear day ! :)
Nevertheless, there is someone that's I'm really not happy with , someone that could pissed me off easily, trying to keep a distance with her , apparently I can't , but still , I have a nice gang of college mates which makes me feel better :) To be honest , life is hard being with her, that's the only thing I don't like about college, she could be a really good friend , I don't hate her, it's just I don't like the way how she do things , I say different people has different way to get things done , so perhaps it's my problem ? Telling myself , it's just one year , isn't that long , after one year , i m definitely not going to choose the same course or even same university with her anymore , hell no ! LOL

I guess that's all about college life , and I passed my driving test yesterday ! Happyyyyy dyeeee ! Time to sleep , goodnight though ! Ciaoz ! :D

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Back !


So! After missing for years , I'm somehow back to blogger ! (Upon someone's request! )

Well , since I'm actually in college now , with all the endless assignments and works, I have no idea when will I actually update my life here but I will just try to update as frequent as possible ! I promise ! :D

So yeah.. First post done ! 

Stay tuned for my next post : College life annnnd ! Life in 2013 :)

Bye !